17936 Lake Chabot Rd, Castro Valley CA
Wednesday, January 1st, 2025
The sun is rising on Monday morning, January 1st, the first day of 2025. Where should you be? Pounding the trails of Lake Chabot, of course!
Join us at Lake Chabot in Castro Valley for the scenic and invigorating 5K, 10K or half marathon.
Better yet, make sure you run at the Brazen New Year's Eve race and then you can start 2025 with the highly coveted New Year Mega Medal! Learn about our Brazen New Year's Eve race here.
Take it even one step higher by running both half marathons (one on 12/28 and one on 1/1) and then brag to your friends: "It took me two years to finish that marathon"!
17936 Lake Chabot Rd, Castro Valley, CA
Starting Line Map
Suggested Races