100 E. Chestnut Street, Goldsboro NC
Saturday, May 31st, 2025
Crime Stoppers is an international endeavor that allows citizens to give information about crimes without identifying themselves. Rewards are offered to callers who provide information leading to felony arrests. Callers remain anonymous and are not asked for any personal information.
Crime Stoppers is designed to help make our county a safer and better place to live. The organization is totally dependent on private donations of individuals, professional associations, merchants, and civic and social groups.
Now through May 24th:
Price increase May 25th - Race Day:
T-shirts for the virtual races will be shipped. Local participants may pick up their shirt prior to the event.
Note: Virtual 5K and 10K can be run anywhere from 5/31 - 6/9.
The 5K race course will be run twice for the 10K event.
For more details and to register, visit the official race page: Wayne Crime Stoppers Caper Chase.
Course Map
Suggested Races
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