1660 Johnson Rd. NW, Atlanta GA
Saturday, July 26th, 2025
Back-to-school 5K to celebrate the upcoming ‘25-26 school year!
Educators & the community coming together to run, laugh, dance & appreciate good health. You don't have to run - you can walk, you can watch, you can cheer, you can sponsor and you can volunteer! However you decide to participate, you're going to have fun! For the past 13 years, we have worked with teachers to improve their health and wellness.
The race will be held in beautiful Westside Park, Atlanta’s largest green space. Yes, it's where The Walking Dead and Stranger Things were filmed. See if you can remember any scenes as you enjoy your run. If you can't make it, but still want to support the cause, sign up for the Virtual Race.
It is a great event that just needs YOU to make it special.
There will be NO race day/walk-up registrations. Register in advance of race day. Now would actually be fantastic.
For more details, visit the We ❤️ Teachers 5K website.
Course Map
Suggested Races
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