2300 W 87th St, Chicago IL
Saturday, June 21st, 2025
Calling all Greeks! Alpha’s, AKA’S, Omega’s, Kappa’s, Delta’s, Sigma’s, Zeta’s, SG-Rho’s, Iota’s and Greek family & friends. Now more than ever, is the time for the world to take personal health more serious, and work to be healthier not just as individuals, but as communities across the globe as a whole.
This Divine 9 Virtual 5k-10k Run/Walk was developed to give runners of all colors a jumpstart towards a healthier lifestyle. We are encouraging everyone to get out and move like your life depended on it! It’s time for us to change the narratives in our communities throughout the country, and it begins with us putting rubber to the ground!
The Divine Nine fraternities and sororities, also known as the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC), have a mission to uplift and educate the Black community. They are dedicated to service, empowerment, and fellowship.
Join us on 2025-06-21 at 2300 W 87th St, Chicago, IL. For more information and registration, visit Chicago Devine Nine Dash.
Starting Line Map
Suggested Races