1 Overlook Dr, Pittsburgh PA
Saturday, November 16th, 2024
Welcome to Steel City NROTC's 2nd-Annual Lieutenant Colonel Christopher "Otis" Raible Run to Remember! The mission of this event is to ensure that LtCol Raible is not forgotten by the community that he gave his life to protect through the promotion of community engagement, health and wellness, and patriotism and that his values of duty, bravery, and sacrifice are forever valued and emphasized.
Registration includes an event t-shirt unique to this year, access to the participant village, pre- and post-race snacks, and more! The participant village will be filled with games, raffles, and prizes so be sure to show up ready to have fun and support a great cause. After the race, not only will the winners be announced and prizes distributed, but there will also be a ceremony to honor LtCol Raible, so please feel free to stay for the whole time no matter if you win or lose. [NOTE that participants must sign up before 11/01/2024 in order to be guaranteed to receive a shirt in their desired size. All participants who sign up after this date are not guaranteed a shirt (or for it to be in their size if they do receive one).]
For more information on this event, visit the official race page.
Starting Line Map
Suggested Races