3 DAYS OF IN-PERSON RACES! REGISTRATION OPENS MAY 1st! Run 1, 2 or 3 days on an easy loop course! Race features:
- 4 races to choose from each day! - Paved 6.55 mile loop! (Half=2 loops; 3Quarter=3 loops, Marathon=4 loops; Ultra = 5+ loops) - Packet Pickup at the race site: Friday night, and Saturday/Sunday/Monday before & after the races - FREE parking! - Long-sleeve tee-shirts (size not guaranteed after January 31st) - Unique participant medals! Different medal each day! - Save money on 3 Half Marathons or 3 Full Marathons by registering for the Triple Dog Dare! - Save money on 3 Ultra Marathons AND earn a buckle by registering for the Dizzy Dalmatian 101! - Virtual options also available!
Marine Creek Lake, near TCC-West 2700 NW Loop 820, Fort Worth, TX 76179
Course Map
Race Strong, Smart & Healthy with Online or In-Person Coaching!