Duke Island Park, Bridgewater Township NJ
Sunday, October 13th, 2024
The Center School is excited to offer a chance for you to participate in our 5th annual 5k Run/Fun Walk! This event, "Moving Student's in the Right Direction", is a chance to live up to those very words. This means helping students achieve their goals and prepare for the future, as well as getting them, and hopefully you, joining us at our 5K. Our 5K Run/Fun Walk will be taking place at Duke Island Park in Bridgewater, NJ on Sunday, October 13th, 2024! This is a chance for students, parents, staff, and families (plus all you newcomers who just like to run) to be active and help make a difference, as all proceeds go to the Center School, where they will be used to promote an active and healthy lifestyle throughout the school year. For this year’s 5K/Fun Walk we will be offering a special way to give a friend, family member, or business a special shout out. For a fee of $25, you can reserve an 8.5x11 sign that will be posted along the race course displaying your customized message and/or a picture of your choice. Your message can contain a shout out to a race participant, a student at The Center School, or a promotional for a local business. The choice is yours!
More information about the race can be found here.
Starting Line Map
Suggested Races