285 Meadowlark Drive, Winston-Salem NC
Tuesday, May 13th, 2025
The $5K is designed as a low-key race for the athlete who wants to run a tune-up race to prepare for their targeted event, the novice who may be intimidated by larger events, and runners/walkers who want an event to test themselves without breaking the bank.
Each monthly race is geared to give you, the runner, a chance to test your abilities, concentrate on your technique, and converse with other people in the running community without feeling overwhelmed with crowds, vendors, award ceremonies, etc. We keep it small while still providing you with an official chip-timed 5K event!
For those wanting a little more competition - the $5K Race Series is one 5K per month (always the 2nd Tue) from April - October. Runners are awarded points based on finishing times and awards are given at the October race. Learn more by clicking on the link under RACE INFO.
Registration for this race is limited to 150 participants. After that, a wait list goes into effect. You will receive an email from the wait list and will then have 24 hours to register for the race. Race Day registration is available only through participant devices. No registration kiosks will be available at the race.
Course Map
Suggested Races
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