101-166 Wilson St, Manchester TN
Thursday, August 28th, 2025
On the Thursday before Labor Day Weekend of 2025, ultramarathoners will once again descend on Fred Deadman Park in Manchester, Tennessee. Led by a contingent of wheezing geezers, over a hundred of America’s finest foot warriors will circle the famed Deadman Mile for days on end come September 2025 culminating in the grand finish and banquet at noon on Monday, Sept 1.
Of course it is not the competition which has made this event an instant classic. It is the stories. In the perfect setting of a one mile loop through the park, today’s ultrarunners have the opportunity to spend time with the legends and heroes of the long ago past of the sport. And the old guys and gals have the opportunity to rekindle old friendships (and rivalries) and to rehash the old days. The stories they have to tell are not tales immortalized on the internet, instead they exist only in the memories of those who were there. For all the hundreds of miles that are logged, and the fierce battles sometimes waged for position, it is the celebration of life atmosphere that has made the ARFTA a must-do event. Fathers and mothers sharing miles with daughters and sons as well as grandparents sharing miles with grandsons and granddaughters: these are moments too special to miss.
There are real indoor bathrooms located on the course (the value of which cannot be overstated in a multiday run!) There will also be portapotties next to the building after you pass the start/finish line.
There is a facebook group for the ARFTA: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1443235495936999/
Any runners over 70 years of age with financial limitations precluding their entry should e-mail me, so that we can work something out. This is your day(s) in the sun, and we want to see you here!
For more details, visit the race page: A Race for the Ages.
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