Charity Focus: This event is a charity community run with all proceeds going towards the Salvation Army.
Donation Option: If you are unable to attend the run but would still like to help the cause, there is an option to just donate as well.
Shoe Collection: Please also bring gently used shoes to the race! We will be collecting these shoes to send to the Salvation Army for local people in need.
Drop Off Location: You can find the drop off containers by the main table near the start line.
🗓️ Race Day Details
Date & Time: This year, the run will take place on April 12th at 8:00am.
Check-in Time: Please show up by 7:50am to check in at the check in table on the east side of the Main Quad by Foellinger Auditorium.
Start & Finish Lines: The start and finish lines are between the Foreign Languages Building and Foellinger Auditorium.
Restrooms: Restrooms are available inside of the Foreign Languages Building.
📍 Course Information
Course Map: You can view a course map below with mile and kilometer markers as well as a view of where to park.
Mile & Kilometer Splits: Course Map with Mile and Kilometer Splits.