Purpose: The Fellowship Fitness 5K fundraiser aims to support our monthly licensing and overhead costs.
Goals: Additionally, it will help Fellowship Fitness plan for a dedicated facility, allowing us to grow more sustainably.
Current Limitations: Currently, our space and classes are at maximum capacity, limiting our ability to serve the community.
Future Expansion: By securing our own establishment, we could expand class sizes and increase the number of available classes, thereby enhancing our instructor pool.
🎉 Become a Sponsor
Invitation: We invite you to sponsor our 1st annual event by supporting free group fitness classes through sponsorship or participation as a racer in the Fellowship Fitness 5K fundraiser.
Community Connection: You can help us expand and connect free fitness opportunities in the Mission Valley.
Support: Please support our mission by raising funds to make fitness, health, and wellness accessible to all.
Join Us: Engage with your audience on race day by becoming a sponsor.
🤝 Benefits of Sponsorship
Brand Visibility: Sponsoring the Fellowship Fitness 5K fundraiser offers several benefits for your company.
Employee Inspiration: Inspire your employees and demonstrate strong organizational support within the community.
Branding Opportunities: As a sponsor, your business will enjoy multiple branding opportunities, reaching individuals and the wider community.
Community Engagement: Join us in inspiring the community through our event.
💪 Who We Are
Mission: Our mission is to foster a healthier community by providing free fitness classes that promote wellness and empowerment for all.
Foundation: Fellowship Fitness was established in October 2022 as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in partnership with Mission Church.
Donation Model: We operate on a donation-based model, providing all classes at no cost.
Dedication: Jessica Schallock, the founder and lead instructor, has 19 years of experience in the fitness industry.
🌟 Community Impact
Membership: Fellowship Fitness boasts over 200 members who take advantage of our eight diverse classes.
Qualified Instructors: We have certified Les Mills instructors continually introducing new programs.
Enhanced Experience: Our licensed Les Mills facility refines core classes to enhance the experience for all participants.
Commitment: Our instructors and community are committed to creating an environment that fosters engagement and support through our classes.