New Dorp Lane and South Railroad Avenue, Staten Island NY
Sunday, June 8th, 2025
Since the inaugural event, the Ollis run has grown into one of Staten Island's largest running events. Our USTAF Certified race course serves as the first leg of the Staten Island Triple Crown. We are excited to welcome everyone back to this year's race and look forward to seeing everyone on Sunday, June 8 in New Dorp.
For those runners interested in participating in the Staten Island Road Racing Triple Crown, there is a discounted registration available ($5 off each of the 3 races). The Ollis race will be the first leg, followed by the Firecracker 3-Mile Run on Sunday, June 29 and Michael's Cause Step for a Cure in September.
Event participants can pick up their bibs and race packets at the SSG Michael Ollis VFW Post, located at 575 Mill Road on the following dates:
In addition to the race packets, we will have tickets for raffles and 50/50 available. The winners will be selected following the completion of the race.
There will be a volunteer meeting at 9 am on Sunday, June 1 at the SSG Michael Ollis VFW Post, located at 575 Mill Road. Breakfast will be served. At this meeting, we will review the various jobs we need filled including registration, bib pickup, raffles, on-course directions, and water stations.
The Ollis race is organized by the SSG Michael Ollis Freedom Foundation, a not-for-profit organization, and is scored by Richard Re of After payment of race expenses, all proceeds are used by the Ollis Freedom Foundation to provide assistance and support to combat veterans re-entering civilian life.
Date: June 8, 2025
Location: New Dorp Lane and South Railroad Avenue, Staten Island, NY
More information can be found at the official event page: SSG Ollis 5K Run & Walk.
Course Map
Suggested Races
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