Fort Smith Bakery District, Fort Smith AR
Saturday, November 8th, 2025
Whitney's Race is not just Whitney's race. It is a race against time for those yet to be afflicted with pancreatic cancer, the most deadly cancer. It is Time To Cure® pancreatic cancer. Whitney's Time To Cure® has passed. Whitney Marsh perished at age 41, November 1, 2018, ten months after diagnosis with pancreatic cancer.
Whitney was scheduled for surgery, but the day before surgery a CT scan showed cancer had spread. She died within 4 months of the CT scan while re-starting chemotherapy and running 8-10 miles or biking 30-40 miles per day. Even the super-healthy are no match. Better pre-operative treatment options are the future.
Whitney’s Race will fund the Whitney Marsh Foundation Inc for local education and national research for Pancreatic Cancer. Funds will be apportioned locally and the remainder with well respected national cancer research institutes such as MD Anderson. Whitney’s Race is a race against time. It is Time To Cure® pancreatic cancer.
Whitney's Race day at the Marshals Museum will be a great day of running, racing, eating, and music. Race for your best time and afterward hang out for a great time. Bring yourself and friends to race. It is a day for family and friends who run or not.
The race will take place on November 8, 2025, at the Fort Smith Bakery District, Fort Smith, AR. For more information, visit Whitney's Race.
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