Location: 3701 S. Lake Hefner Dr., Oklahoma City, OK
Family Friendly: Bring the whole family including the fur babies (dogs) to Stars &: Stripes Park!
🎯 Purpose and Beneficiary
Beneficiary: Teen Recovery Solutions (TRS) in Oklahoma City
Sober High School: TRS oversees Mission Academy High School, the ONLY sober high school in Oklahoma
Support: TRS provides recovery support for teenagers struggling with substance use
Peer Groups: Offers an after-school alternative peer group with regular meetings and events for students and non-students
📚 Student Support
Academic Assistance: Helps students finish high school and offers co-curricular college credit opportunities
Coping Skills: Aims to teach better coping skills while showing that sobriety can be fun
Meetings: Offers 12-step meetings and activities for students
Family Resources: Provides classes and support to families assisting them in understanding teenage addiction
💖 Impact of Participation
Support TRS: Proceeds will help support Teen Recovery Solutions and Mission Academy High School
Join Us: People of all ages and skill levels are welcome to join!
Run for Others: Run for yourself, run for someone you love, or run in memory of someone
More Info: For further details, visit the race [link](https://runsignup.com/Race/OK/OklahomaCity/TRSRecoveryRun?aflt_token=QZt1KFBDIiIun5smo9vi7y59qq2fNLcB)
Course Map
Race Strong, Smart & Healthy with Online or In-Person Coaching!
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