Proceeds: Proceeds go to the Boerne Fire Department!
Community Support: Several years ago, one of the race directors' son, Camden, was inspired to create this event by watching his father and friends run with American flags.
Past Contributions: Last year, $10,000 was donated to the Boerne Fire Department, which included a scholarship for $2,500 to a high school senior to attend fire school.
Future Goals: This year’s proceeds will help provide equipment and a scholarship for next year’s senior class, as these items are often not covered in the department’s budget.
📅 Schedule of Events
5:30 am: Setup begins
7:45 am: Warm-up
7:55 am: National anthem & prayer
8:00 am: 1 mile walk
8:05 am: 5k run
9:10 am: Awards for 1st, 2nd, 3rd overall male & female, and 1st, 2nd, 3rd overall full standard size American flag runners.