Purpose: YRTC Spring Races are designed to help with preparation for the upcoming season.
Support: By supporting YRTC, you help us maintain 23 miles of the Great Allegheny Passage Trail in Fayette Co. PA.
🏁 Course Details
Terrain: The course is flat and fast with a slight DOWNHILL finish into Yough River Park in Connellsville, PA.
Refreshments: There is water and performance drink on the course with fruit, cookies and drinks at the finish.
Results: Race results are available online at serjracing.com after the race and printed as each race is completed.
Prizes: Prizes are awarded for the top 3 M/F finishers in each race and random prizes will be awarded from race registrations.
📅 Event Timing
Schedule: We hold these races on the Saturday before Easter Sunday to allow out of town visitors a chance to train and exercise.
Registration: Registration will be at 8 AM at the Historical Society pavilion on the other side of Yough River Park (GPS 369 N. 3rd St) Connellsville, PA.
Race Start: Races will begin promptly at 9 AM so come early even if you are preregistered.
Parking: Parking is available on both sides of Yough River Park but the majority is along 3rd St.
🏞️ Race Course
Type: The race course is flat using the GAP trail out and back, returning to the original registration area.
Start Order: Half Marathon and 10 Mile racers begin first and the rest a few minutes later.