100 N. Ridge Road, Hesston KS
Saturday, April 26th, 2025
This is our annual fundraiser to raise funds to serve our youth, who due to budgetary constraints, would not be able to participate. This race is an critical part of our mission which is "to serve our community so that people of all ages and abilities can have fun, grow and feel a sense of belonging."
In previous years, awards plates were created by artist Lynn Lais. Mr. Lais was a Hesston resident, but has moved to Maine. We have greatly appreciated his artistic works and will be truly missed. We have partnered with Galley Mostaza in Harper Kansas to create our plates this year.
Awards will be given to the Top 10 overall and top 3 per age group. Age groups are 8 & younger: 9-11: 12-17: 18-24: 25-29: 30-34: 35-39: 40-44: 45-49: 50-54: 55-59: 60-64: 65-69: 70-74: 75-79: 80-84: and 85 and older. The awards ceremony will not be more than 30 minutes.
Bloomfest!! If you have family or friends who want to cheer you on, but don't want to wait around... A spring festival that features everyday health and wellness activities for all ages and abilities in a welcoming, vibrant, and fun atmosphere. The festival blends the ideas of growth, renewal, and holistic health while embracing the positive, aspirational spirit of "The Good Life” that we proudly boast as a part of Hesston’s unique culture. Join us for this FREE Community Event on April 26th following the Emma Creek Classic 5K in Hesston, KS. Bloomfest is sponsored by the Hesston Chamber & CVB, HRCE, and the Healthy Harvey Coalition.
Facebook: Join us at “Emma Creek Classic 5K” on Facebook.
Course Map
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