Location: Lakeview Community Wellness Center (LCWC), 423 S. Lincoln Ave., Lakeview, MI
🎉 Participation Details
Family Friendly: This is a family event, and we welcome all runners and spectators.
Registration Fees: Early registration is $35.00 until May 19th, late registration is $40.00 from May 20th until race day.
Kids Participation: Kids 13 and under run free!
Packet Pickup: June 20th at LCWC from 1-6pm. Arrive early on Saturday if unable to pick up on Friday.
🏅 Race Logistics
Chipped Timed: Our race is chip timed along with a photo finish.
Course Details: The course will take you through our sweet Village on flat, mostly paved road.
Late Registration: Ends promptly at 7:30am to ensure a smooth race start.
Event Purpose: Our race events benefit health awareness in our community and Lakeview Community Wellness Center, our Community Non-Profit Fitness center.