Verdun Adventure Bound, Rixeyville VA
Saturday, October 25th, 2025
20% of proceeds will go to the Northern Piedmont Community Foundation to support substance abuse recovery programs. The remaining 80% will help to support Verdun's Project SOAR (Success in Overcoming Adversity in Recovery). See below to learn more about Project SOAR.
Gates Open 7:30 AM. Race Start Time 9:00 AM
This year, Verdun is getting into the Halloween spirit! To add some extra fun to our 5K event, we're excited to announce that the top three race costumes will receive a special award, so don't be afraid to get creative and show off your spooky style! The 5K will take place on Verdun Adventure Bound's beautiful Cross Country Course, located on our 67-acre property in Rixeyville, Virginia. As you run or walk through the woods, be sure to follow the SASQUATCH to the finish line! Following the race will be music at the amphitheater, food, awards, best race costume awards, face painting, moon bounce, and a special Message of Hope.
Can't wait to see you there!
The SOAR program is an eight week program available free of charge to adults in recovery. Project SOAR was designed to address the critical period immediately following rehabilitation or incarceration. Research shows that individuals are 80% more likely to overdose in this critical period due to the nature of returning to their environment, relationships, careers, and circumstances that they were in while using. SOAR works to eliminate the stressors and triggers that could lead to relapse. The certified team at Verdun utilizes our thirty-three element challenge course to build community among our participants teaching healthy communication, leadership skills, resilience, and collaboration. Project SOAR also takes a comprehensive approach to promoting health. Participants engage in a nutrition workshop led by The Virginia Cooperative Extension office, physical training each day, yoga workshops, breathing workshops, and more. These workshops are designed to create multiple avenues to long term mental, emotional and physical health. Additionally, this program introduces participants to healthy hobbies like kayaking, hiking, rock climbing, woodworking, disc golf, and others with the purpose of providing lifelong healthy activities for participants to engage in. Project SOAR is a collaborative program with several other organizations involved. For example, Hope Water Wellness provides art therapy sessions for participants, Rappahannock Goodwill Industries provides career coaching, and the Remington Community Garden provides gardening education. Through these partnerships Verdun provides a comprehensive approach to empowerment in recovery giving participants several tools to engage with in order to achieve Success and Overcome Adversity while in Recovery.
For more information, visit Run For Your Life 5k.
Course Map
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