Kipp Lake, Browning MT
Tuesday, June 10th, 2025
This is a Rhabdomyosarcoma Awareness run/walk in honor of Payton Lane Weatherwax Buckland who was diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma: a rare cancer in June of 2020. In November of 2022, his little body grew tired. His love for life and strength was unbelievable, while he was receiving both chemo and the max radiation he went for a mile run with me, the next day he came home and said "Welp, Doc said I can't go for runs at this point in treatments." That was an example of the strength he carried and his love for life, he didn't want to waste his life sitting he was always on the go, ready to face the new experiences life has to offer. He loved everything about the outdoors and would move to the mountains to live off the land if he could. His laughter was contagious and his love was endless. Help us preserve his love and strength by participating in this run year after year. We also hope to start a scholarship from this run for kids who are overachievers and like to stand out like Payton did.
Payton Lane's Rhabdomyosarcoma run around Hidden Lake and is located near Star School Mt.
Everyone is encouraged to join us! Kids ages 1-17 enter the run for FREE!
This race will take place on June 10, 2025 at Kipp Lake, Browning, MT. For more information and registration, visit us at Payton's Race Registration.
Starting Line Map
Suggested Races