Palmetto Dunes - Dunes House, Hilton Head Island SC
Wednesday, April 16th, 2025
The PALMETTO DUNES TURTLE TROT 5K is a 5 kilometer run/walk taking place in beautiful Palmetto Dunes Resort - Hilton Head Island, SC. We hope to provide you a memorable run / walk experience that starts you on a wonderful Hilton Head Happy kinda day. We utilize our beautiful hard flat beach for the race course - the perfect running experience on Hilton Head Island!
Registration is online only - cut-off for registration is race day at 7:45a race morning.
NOTE: Your registration fee includes 1) Purchase of race bib to enter the event -and- 2) Purchase of event t-shirt.
Please bring your confirmation email (hardcopy or smartphone) to Pick Up. Yes, you may pick up for more than one person - actually, this is recommended and appreciated. Yes, you may purchase additional race T-shirts at packet-pickup.
7a | Packet Pickup Opens
7:45a | Packet Pickup & Registration Closes
7:55a | Race Announcements
8a | Race Starts
9:15a | Race Ends
Preliminary results will be emailed 20sec after you cross the finish. Final results will be emailed to you directly shortly after the completion of the race - including a link to the overall results.
PALMETTO DUNES CARES - a charitable giving initiative targeting the areas of health, environment, arts and culture, community development, and education within the greater Hilton Head area.
Every paid registered participant receives a custom race T-shirt (a really cool one too!) and a custom race bib.
We encourage everyone to ride your bike or walk to the race site - due to the limited vehicle parking at the Dunes House. There are lots of bike racks available - and, its a great warm up for the run.
Bike parking, handicap parking, and runner drop-off only at the Dunes House lot. Vehicle parking will be available at the Hilton and Centre Court lots - these are adjacent properties to the Dunes House.
Safety for our participants, volunteers, and staff is our number one concern. Any decision we make regarding the production or cancellation of the event will be made with their interest first and foremost. If mother nature does not cooperate on race morning - we will delay the event until the conditions are safe - this delay will continue for a reasonable amount of time until we deem it necessary to cancel the event. If time permits and if the weather poses a threat that is certain to make us cancel the event in the hours prior the start, we will notify participants of the race cancellation via email as soon as that decision is made.
There are no refunds for the event and all proceeds benefit the Palmetto Dunes Cares Fund, a charitable giving initiative targeting the areas of health, environment, arts and culture, community development, and education within the greater Hilton Head area. In case of cancellation, race t-shirts may be picked up at the race site on race morning - or, at the Palmetto Dunes POA Office (MAP) on race day between 10am and 4pm. We do not mail race shirts.
Go Tri Events dba. Hilton Head Running Company is a sports management company on Hilton Head Island. We are a RRCA Certified Race Director with 22 years experience producing events. Learn more about us and what we do here.
For more information about the race, visit this link.
Course Map
Suggested Races
Š 2025 Find The Run. All rights reserved.