Annual Event: The 2nd annual National Wildland Firefighter Day Fireline 5K will now take place virtually.
Community Support: Recognize the dedication of wildland firefighters, including federal, state, local, Tribal, military, rural, contract, and support personnel.
Impact: These men and women work to save lives, property, infrastructure, and precious natural and cultural resources every year.
Gratitude: We are incredibly thankful for their professional skills and efforts.
📸 Join the Virtual Community
Past Participation: Outtakes from the 2024 Fireline 5K show virtual participants joining in both near and far.
Future Events: Our goal is to bring back the in-person event for future years.
Share Your Experience: Join the wildland fire community virtually as a countdown to National Wildland Firefighter Day.
Media Submission: Please use our online media submission form and feel free to tag us on social media!