Beneficiary: This is a race to the benefit of middle and high school students looking at attend summer camps with friends through Dwell Community Church.
Life-Changing Experience: These trips are dearly loved by students but many need assistance to be able to afford them.
New Opportunities: During these week-long camps, students experience many things for the first time, including visiting a large, outdoor, beautiful space outside of the state with the autonomy to explore & enjoy nature.
Spiritual Growth: Students build deep spiritual friendships and explore what they think about God.
👕 T-Shirts and Prizes
T-Shirt Orders: T-shirts will be available to order until a few weeks before the race.
First Place Prizes: First place male and female finishers will receive $50.
Second Place Prizes: Second place male & female finishers will receive $35.
Additional Note: Dogs are not permitted by park regulations.