College of Saint Mary campus/Anywhere You Want!, Omaha NE
Saturday, July 12th, 2025
🏃♂️ How we started
Background: In 2018, our friend and former Ironman Nate Wigdahl, had recently become an amputee due to a devastating injury. He desperately wanted to start running again and we knew that we could count on Omaha's running community to help him achieve his dream.
Fundraising: Nate and a few friends decided to host a 5K fundraiser, and called it The Blade 5K. The quickly put-together event was a huge success and with the funds raised we were able to purchase a blade for Nate.
Helping Others: Nate had an even deeper desire to help other amputees to overcome obstacles to living their best healthy lifestyle.
📈 Our momentum
Nonprofit Status: In 2019, The Blade 5K obtained 501(c)(3) nonprofit status, and began holding monthly board meetings.
Nominations: The Board of Directors created a nomination process, so that other deserving amputees could apply to receive the proceeds from our race to pay for the (non-covered) cost of the specialized device.
Second Recipient: In July of 2019, The Blade 5K raised the funds needed to help our second recipient, Chris, get the blade he needed to get back to his healthy running lifestyle.
🌍 Adapting to Change
Virtual Format: In 2020, the world threw us a curveball and we shifted our event from an in-person race, to a virtual format.
Record Fundraising: We shattered our previous record, and raised enough funds to help 9 year old Nathan get not one, but two running blades so he could achieve his dream of keeping up with his friends.
Expanding Access: The Blade 5K doesn’t believe in limits, and after seeing the success of our first virtual event, we realized that the convenience of a virtual event actually helps more people!
💪 Continuing our Work
2021 Success: The Blade 5K Run and 1 Mile Walk raised funds to help three individuals get devices to get them back to their active lifestyle. Jim received a running blade, Anita received a tandem bike, and Connie received a wheelchair.
Further Assistance: In 2022, we were fortunate enough to help another two recipients. Jessica received a specialized leg and Kyel received a Grit wheelchair.
2023 Outcomes: The Blade 5K raised enough funds to help three individuals get back to their active lifestyle. Benjamin received a running blade, Sara also received a running blade, and Carter received a prosthetic to help him with everyday activities including sports.
2024 Achievements: The Blade 5K raised enough funds to help two individuals get back to their active lifestyle. Sienna received an activity leg and Petra received four attachments for her prosthetic arm to help her do workouts that helped her prepare for the paralympics.
🎉 Today
Our Focus: Our focus is twofold: helping individuals with limb difference who need specialized devices to get back to their active lifestyle, as well as growing the amputee community in the midwest.
Event Details: The Blade 5K run/1 mile walk will be held in-person at College of Saint Mary's campus Saturday, July 12, 2025 and is also open to the world via our virtual option.
Looking Forward: We look forward to seeing you there, whether here in Omaha, or whatever city you may be joining us from!
Gratitude: As always, we are so grateful for your support.